
Allergenenwetgeving sinds 2014

More and more people are developing an intolerance or allergy to one or more allergens. For this reason, since 13 December 2014, it has been compulsory to be able to provide guests with information about the 14 legal allergens in dishes. The requirements are:

  • These 14 allergens must be indicated on the label of a product when one or more of these substances have been used. In the case of loose counter sales, the seller is obliged to be able to name the allergens present.
  • These 14 allergen
  • The substances must be indicated on the label with a clear reference to the name of the ingredient. So “Milk” must be specified when whey powder is used. This is not necessary if the name of the product clearly refers to the substance, such as in the case of a carton of pasteurised milk. 

List of allergens

  1. Cereals containing gluten and products derived from cereals which may contain gluten.
  2. Crustaceans and crustacean-based products;
  3. Eggs and egg-based products
  4. Fish and fish-based products;
  5. Groundnuts and products based on groundnuts (peanuts);
  6. Soy and soy-based products;
  7. Milk and milk-based products (including lactose);
  8. Crustaceans and derived products (nuts);
  9. Celery and products based on celery;
  10. Mustard and mustard-based products;
  11. Sesame seeds and products based on sesame seeds;
  12. Sulphite at concentrations of at least 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l (sulphur dioxide and sulphite);
  13. Lupin and lupin-based products;
  14. Molluscs and mollusc-based products.

These fourteen substances have been chosen because a large number of people are hypersensitive to them or because people may suffer serious to life-threatening effects.

For all allergens other than the 14 mentioned, there is no international consensus. For this purpose, people with food allergies continue to rely on the information provided via the consumer service departments of manufacturers and on the information provided via the LEDA database.

With the Pure products of Verstegen we not only offer a tasty product, but also a means to easily deal with the new allergens legislation. You do not have to watch out for them anymore.

All nutritional values and label information of the Verstegen products can be obtained via PSinfood. Of course, you can also obtain the data via our website or our customer service.

Questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!
